POST api/NTInitialQuestion/PostEnRoute
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
EnRouteDTOName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
CaseNo | integer |
None. |
EmployeeId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 12 |
FirstName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
LastName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
WLCode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
HospitalName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
HospitalAddress | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 300 |
Callbacknumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
CallBackTime | time interval |
None. |
PToPPhysicianId | integer |
None. |
Notes | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 500 |
IsEmergency | boolean |
None. |
IsEnRoute | boolean |
None. |
IsCallBackNoSame | boolean |
None. |
HospitalAddress2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 300 |
City | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
State | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
StateName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
ZipCode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
MessageQueueId | integer |
None. |
NotificationTypeId | integer |
None. |
UserEmailId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
PToPPhysicianEmail | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
FacilityCode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
InsuranceId | integer |
None. |
ReferredById | integer |
None. |
ReferredByValue | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 500 |
DOB | date |
None. |
ReferralDate | date |
None. |
ReferralTime | time interval |
None. |
ReferralTimeZone | integer |
None. |
EncounterId | integer |
None. |
FacilityPhone | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
PToPPhysicianName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ReferredByName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 250 |
ChiefComplain | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
Phone | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
Suite | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
CompanyEmployeeId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
InsuranceName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
EncounterDate | date |
None. |
ReportedById | integer |
None. |
ReportedByOtherValue | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ReportedByFirstName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ReportedByLastName | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ReportedByEmail | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ReportedByJobTitle | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ReportedByCallerId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
IsSelfCaller | boolean |
None. |
InitialQuestionId | integer |
None. |
ValidFlag | boolean |
None. |
DateCreated | date |
None. |
DateUpdated | date |
None. |
UserIDCreated | integer |
None. |
UserIDUpdated | integer |
None. |
CompanyCode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
IsExcludeDiscount | boolean |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Id": 1, "CaseNo": 1, "EmployeeId": "sample string 2", "FirstName": "sample string 3", "LastName": "sample string 4", "WLCode": "sample string 5", "HospitalName": "sample string 6", "HospitalAddress": "sample string 7", "Callbacknumber": "sample string 8", "CallBackTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "PToPPhysicianId": 1, "Notes": "sample string 9", "IsEmergency": true, "IsEnRoute": true, "IsCallBackNoSame": true, "HospitalAddress2": "sample string 10", "City": "sample string 11", "State": "sample string 12", "StateName": "sample string 13", "ZipCode": "sample string 14", "MessageQueueId": 1, "NotificationTypeId": 1, "UserEmailId": "sample string 15", "PToPPhysicianEmail": "sample string 16", "FacilityCode": "sample string 17", "InsuranceId": 1, "ReferredById": 1, "ReferredByValue": "sample string 18", "DOB": "2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00", "ReferralDate": "2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00", "ReferralTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "ReferralTimeZone": 1, "EncounterId": 1, "FacilityPhone": "sample string 19", "PToPPhysicianName": "sample string 20", "ReferredByName": "sample string 21", "ChiefComplain": "sample string 22", "Phone": "sample string 23", "Suite": "sample string 24", "CompanyEmployeeId": "sample string 25", "InsuranceName": "sample string 26", "EncounterDate": "2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00", "ReportedById": 1, "ReportedByOtherValue": "sample string 28", "ReportedByFirstName": "sample string 29", "ReportedByLastName": "sample string 30", "ReportedByEmail": "sample string 31", "ReportedByJobTitle": "sample string 32", "ReportedByCallerId": "sample string 33", "IsSelfCaller": true, "InitialQuestionId": 1, "ValidFlag": true, "DateCreated": "2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00", "DateUpdated": "2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00", "UserIDCreated": 37, "UserIDUpdated": 38, "CompanyCode": "sample string 39", "IsExcludeDiscount": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<EnRouteDTO xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <CompanyCode>sample string 39</CompanyCode> <DateCreated>2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00</DateCreated> <DateUpdated>2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00</DateUpdated> <IsExcludeDiscount>true</IsExcludeDiscount> <UserIDCreated>37</UserIDCreated> <UserIDUpdated>38</UserIDUpdated> <ValidFlag>true</ValidFlag> <CallBackTime>PT0.1234567S</CallBackTime> <Callbacknumber>sample string 8</Callbacknumber> <CaseNo>1</CaseNo> <ChiefComplain>sample string 22</ChiefComplain> <City>sample string 11</City> <CompanyEmployeeId>sample string 25</CompanyEmployeeId> <DOB>2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00</DOB> <EmployeeId>sample string 2</EmployeeId> <EncounterDate>2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00</EncounterDate> <EncounterId>1</EncounterId> <FacilityCode>sample string 17</FacilityCode> <FacilityPhone>sample string 19</FacilityPhone> <FirstName>sample string 3</FirstName> <HospitalAddress>sample string 7</HospitalAddress> <HospitalAddress2>sample string 10</HospitalAddress2> <HospitalName>sample string 6</HospitalName> <Id>1</Id> <InitialQuestionId>1</InitialQuestionId> <InsuranceId>1</InsuranceId> <InsuranceName>sample string 26</InsuranceName> <IsCallBackNoSame>true</IsCallBackNoSame> <IsEmergency>true</IsEmergency> <IsEnRoute>true</IsEnRoute> <IsSelfCaller>true</IsSelfCaller> <LastName>sample string 4</LastName> <MessageQueueId>1</MessageQueueId> <Notes>sample string 9</Notes> <NotificationTypeId>1</NotificationTypeId> <PToPPhysicianEmail>sample string 16</PToPPhysicianEmail> <PToPPhysicianId>1</PToPPhysicianId> <PToPPhysicianName>sample string 20</PToPPhysicianName> <Phone>sample string 23</Phone> <ReferralDate>2024-11-21T00:35:07.5897591-08:00</ReferralDate> <ReferralTime>PT0.1234567S</ReferralTime> <ReferralTimeZone>1</ReferralTimeZone> <ReferredById>1</ReferredById> <ReferredByName>sample string 21</ReferredByName> <ReferredByValue>sample string 18</ReferredByValue> <ReportedByCallerId>sample string 33</ReportedByCallerId> <ReportedByEmail>sample string 31</ReportedByEmail> <ReportedByFirstName>sample string 29</ReportedByFirstName> <ReportedById>1</ReportedById> <ReportedByJobTitle>sample string 32</ReportedByJobTitle> <ReportedByLastName>sample string 30</ReportedByLastName> <ReportedByOtherValue>sample string 28</ReportedByOtherValue> <State>sample string 12</State> <StateName>sample string 13</StateName> <Suite>sample string 24</Suite> <UserEmailId>sample string 15</UserEmailId> <WLCode>sample string 5</WLCode> <ZipCode>sample string 14</ZipCode> </EnRouteDTO>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
AsapResponseOfEnRouteDTOName | Description | Type | Additional information |
isSuccess | boolean |
None. |
message | string |
None. |
jsonObj | EnRouteDTO |
None. |
totalCount | integer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "isSuccess": true, "message": "sample string 2", "jsonObj": { "Id": 1, "CaseNo": 1, "EmployeeId": "sample string 2", "FirstName": "sample string 3", "LastName": "sample string 4", "WLCode": "sample string 5", "HospitalName": "sample string 6", "HospitalAddress": "sample string 7", "Callbacknumber": "sample string 8", "CallBackTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "PToPPhysicianId": 1, "Notes": "sample string 9", "IsEmergency": true, "IsEnRoute": true, "IsCallBackNoSame": true, "HospitalAddress2": "sample string 10", "City": "sample string 11", "State": "sample string 12", "StateName": "sample string 13", "ZipCode": "sample string 14", "MessageQueueId": 1, "NotificationTypeId": 1, "UserEmailId": "sample string 15", "PToPPhysicianEmail": "sample string 16", "FacilityCode": "sample string 17", "InsuranceId": 1, "ReferredById": 1, "ReferredByValue": "sample string 18", "DOB": "2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00", "ReferralDate": "2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00", "ReferralTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "ReferralTimeZone": 1, "EncounterId": 1, "FacilityPhone": "sample string 19", "PToPPhysicianName": "sample string 20", "ReferredByName": "sample string 21", "ChiefComplain": "sample string 22", "Phone": "sample string 23", "Suite": "sample string 24", "CompanyEmployeeId": "sample string 25", "InsuranceName": "sample string 26", "EncounterDate": "2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00", "ReportedById": 1, "ReportedByOtherValue": "sample string 28", "ReportedByFirstName": "sample string 29", "ReportedByLastName": "sample string 30", "ReportedByEmail": "sample string 31", "ReportedByJobTitle": "sample string 32", "ReportedByCallerId": "sample string 33", "IsSelfCaller": true, "InitialQuestionId": 1, "ValidFlag": true, "DateCreated": "2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00", "DateUpdated": "2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00", "UserIDCreated": 37, "UserIDUpdated": 38, "CompanyCode": "sample string 39", "IsExcludeDiscount": true }, "totalCount": 3 }
application/xml, text/xml
<AsapResponseOfEnRouteDTO3NYuOdgi xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <isSuccess>true</isSuccess> <jsonObj xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:CompanyCode>sample string 39</d2p1:CompanyCode> <d2p1:DateCreated>2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00</d2p1:DateCreated> <d2p1:DateUpdated>2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00</d2p1:DateUpdated> <d2p1:IsExcludeDiscount>true</d2p1:IsExcludeDiscount> <d2p1:UserIDCreated>37</d2p1:UserIDCreated> <d2p1:UserIDUpdated>38</d2p1:UserIDUpdated> <d2p1:ValidFlag>true</d2p1:ValidFlag> <d2p1:CallBackTime>PT0.1234567S</d2p1:CallBackTime> <d2p1:Callbacknumber>sample string 8</d2p1:Callbacknumber> <d2p1:CaseNo>1</d2p1:CaseNo> <d2p1:ChiefComplain>sample string 22</d2p1:ChiefComplain> <d2p1:City>sample string 11</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CompanyEmployeeId>sample string 25</d2p1:CompanyEmployeeId> <d2p1:DOB>2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00</d2p1:DOB> <d2p1:EmployeeId>sample string 2</d2p1:EmployeeId> <d2p1:EncounterDate>2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00</d2p1:EncounterDate> <d2p1:EncounterId>1</d2p1:EncounterId> <d2p1:FacilityCode>sample string 17</d2p1:FacilityCode> <d2p1:FacilityPhone>sample string 19</d2p1:FacilityPhone> <d2p1:FirstName>sample string 3</d2p1:FirstName> <d2p1:HospitalAddress>sample string 7</d2p1:HospitalAddress> <d2p1:HospitalAddress2>sample string 10</d2p1:HospitalAddress2> <d2p1:HospitalName>sample string 6</d2p1:HospitalName> <d2p1:Id>1</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:InitialQuestionId>1</d2p1:InitialQuestionId> <d2p1:InsuranceId>1</d2p1:InsuranceId> <d2p1:InsuranceName>sample string 26</d2p1:InsuranceName> <d2p1:IsCallBackNoSame>true</d2p1:IsCallBackNoSame> <d2p1:IsEmergency>true</d2p1:IsEmergency> <d2p1:IsEnRoute>true</d2p1:IsEnRoute> <d2p1:IsSelfCaller>true</d2p1:IsSelfCaller> <d2p1:LastName>sample string 4</d2p1:LastName> <d2p1:MessageQueueId>1</d2p1:MessageQueueId> <d2p1:Notes>sample string 9</d2p1:Notes> <d2p1:NotificationTypeId>1</d2p1:NotificationTypeId> <d2p1:PToPPhysicianEmail>sample string 16</d2p1:PToPPhysicianEmail> <d2p1:PToPPhysicianId>1</d2p1:PToPPhysicianId> <d2p1:PToPPhysicianName>sample string 20</d2p1:PToPPhysicianName> <d2p1:Phone>sample string 23</d2p1:Phone> <d2p1:ReferralDate>2024-11-21T00:35:08.1404578-08:00</d2p1:ReferralDate> <d2p1:ReferralTime>PT0.1234567S</d2p1:ReferralTime> <d2p1:ReferralTimeZone>1</d2p1:ReferralTimeZone> <d2p1:ReferredById>1</d2p1:ReferredById> <d2p1:ReferredByName>sample string 21</d2p1:ReferredByName> <d2p1:ReferredByValue>sample string 18</d2p1:ReferredByValue> <d2p1:ReportedByCallerId>sample string 33</d2p1:ReportedByCallerId> <d2p1:ReportedByEmail>sample string 31</d2p1:ReportedByEmail> <d2p1:ReportedByFirstName>sample string 29</d2p1:ReportedByFirstName> <d2p1:ReportedById>1</d2p1:ReportedById> <d2p1:ReportedByJobTitle>sample string 32</d2p1:ReportedByJobTitle> <d2p1:ReportedByLastName>sample string 30</d2p1:ReportedByLastName> <d2p1:ReportedByOtherValue>sample string 28</d2p1:ReportedByOtherValue> <d2p1:State>sample string 12</d2p1:State> <d2p1:StateName>sample string 13</d2p1:StateName> <d2p1:Suite>sample string 24</d2p1:Suite> <d2p1:UserEmailId>sample string 15</d2p1:UserEmailId> <d2p1:WLCode>sample string 5</d2p1:WLCode> <d2p1:ZipCode>sample string 14</d2p1:ZipCode> </jsonObj> <message>sample string 2</message> <totalCount>3</totalCount> </AsapResponseOfEnRouteDTO3NYuOdgi>